LENT reminds us all that our lives & material possessions are just being LENT to us. We're only all passers by, all pilgrims on the road. We bring nothing when we go to our FATHER; but we can leave behind the love we've shared, the hope we've given, the goodness we've done. A meaningful HOLY WEEK to you.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Some Years Ago, A Newspaper...
Some years ago, a newspaper offered a prize for the best definition of money. Out of the hundreds who competed, the winner submitted this food for thought: "Money is a universal provider for everything but not happiness. And a passport to everywhere but never in HEAVEN because JESUS is the Way.
Blessed Höly Days!
labels: occasion
The Lenten Season Re-echoes God's...
The Lenten season re-echoes God's call for us to redirect our heart towards Him. What we love reveals what we value. The secret of having a meaningful & grace-filled season lies in what is hidden in us.
May God find a contrite heart in each of us this Holy Week. Reflect & repent! It's the season's calling.
labels: occasion
A Lenten Message...
A Lenten message:
UNDERSTAND when others won't;
FORGIVE when others can't;
CARE when others don't;
LOVE despite hardships & pain.
God bless you!
labels: occasion
To Those I Have Wronged...
To those I have wronged, i ask forgiveness. To those I may have helped, I wish I did more. To those who helped me, my sincerest gratitude.
Have a Blessed Holy Week!
labels: occasion
Hotline Numbers to Jesus...
1. When in sorrow, call John 14.
2. When you have sinned, call Psalm 51.
3. When you're in danger, call Psalm 91.
4. When you grow bitter, call 1 Corinthians 13.
5. For the secret to happiness, call Colossians 3:12-17.
6. When your prayers grow narrow and selfish, call Psalm 67.
7. If you find the world growing small and yourself great, call Psalm 19.
Don't erase, this will come in handy. Have a meaningful holy week!
labels: occasion
The Greatest Man in History...
THE GREATEST MAN IN HISTORY: Jesus had no Servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battle, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. *He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. Feel the HONOR to Serve such a LEADER who LOVES US!
A blessed and meaningful HOLY WEEK!
labels: occasion
The Strongest People Have The Worst...
The strongest people have the worst problems, the worst trials, the worst situations. It's not because God wants them to suffer, but it's because God trusts them so much He gave them something He knows they can overcome. Be thankful for God's trials! They are His gifts to strong people. ^_^
labels: inspirational, life, religious
If God Painted A Beautiful Rainbow...
If God painted a beautiful rainbow as a sign of His love for us, we must also paint a beautiful SMILE to start the day.
Have a marvelous day ahead, friends! :)
labels: religious
Remember God First Before You...
Remember God first before you begin the daily games of your life. Put Him as your weapon in happiness, in guts, and trials, in strength and in success!
Sweet morning! ;)
Don't Expect Anything In Return...
Don't expect anything in return. Don't expect your efforts to be appreciated, your genius to be discovered and your love to be understood because expecting is one way of hurting yourself. Isn't it? :(
labels: heartbreaking, inspirational
As The Sky Opens into A Bright...
As the sky opens into a bright morning, may God shower you a lot of blessings and opportunities and make your day a truly fulfilling one.
Morning! :)
labels: religious
We Can Be Happy Anytime Once We...
We can be happy anytime once we understand that the only place we'll ever find genuine happiness is right inside of us. Happiness begins when we accept things, when we stop questioning why life cannot be perfect and just accept the world the way it is. ;)
labels: happy
One of Life's Worst Scenario Is...
One of life's worst scenario is when people assume that they know you even without trying to get to know you and they judge you from your actions without knowing the reason/s behind it.
labels: heartbreaking, life
Avoid The Three Enemies of Personal...
Avoid the Three (3) Enemies of Personal Peace:
(1) Regret over yesterday's mistake;
(2) Inattention over today's blessings; and,
(3) Anxiety over tomorrow's problems.
labels: inspirational
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Life Can Be Fun Even If There...
Life can be fun even if there are many problems, shitty days, boring moments, and beastly enemies. There is, however, one thing that erases all o fit--tons of extraordinary sweet and hyper freaking insane friends.
Just like you! ^_^
labels: friendship, life
Butterflies Do Not Know The Color of...
Butterflies don't know the color of their wings but human eyes know how nice it is. Likewise, you don't know how good you are but I know how special you can be.
labels: romantic
Chance or Choice?
Chance or Choice?
~ When you meet the right person to love at the right place at the right time--that's a chance
~ When you meet someone you're attracted too--that's a chance, too
~ Being caught that there are many people out there who are more attractive, smarter, richer than your mate and yet you decide to love your mate just the same--that's a choice
~ Attraction comes to us by chance. But, true love that lasts is truly a choice.
Listen: Fate brings you together but it's still up to you to make it all happen.
labels: inspirational, love
MMDA & Traffic Violator
MMDA (with pen and ticket) to a traffic violator:
MMDA: Name?
Foreigner Driver: Wilhelm Von Corgrinski Papakovitz
MMDA: Aaahh... Next time be careful ah!
Hehehehe :o)
Never Break Four Things In...
Never break four (4) things in life:
1. Trust
2. Promise
3. Relationship
4. Heart
Because when they break they do not make noise but hurts a lot...
labels: heartbreaking, inspirational
Don't Quit--A Plain Statement Yet...
DON'T QUIT--A plain statement, yet it expounds a thousand definitions.
It could mean: don't give up, don't let go, don't surrender, keep fighting, be strong, or have faith.
Whether in life's trials or in love's struggles, just DON'T QUIT.
Who knows? You just might get what your heart is longing for.
labels: inspirational
Heart To Heart Talks...
Heart to heart talks
Holding hands
Leaning on shoulders
Tight hugs
Goodbye kisses
Half-meant jokes
Sweet compliments
Tapos FRIENDS lang?
Hehehe ",)
If You Are Not Willing To Risk...
If you aren't willing to risk all, then you don't want it bad enough.
labels: inspirational
Why Does Everybody Go Crazy Over...
Why does everybody go crazy over happy endings? How could it be happy if it's already the end?
labels: inspirational
Customer, Waiter, & Coke?
Customer: Waiter! Bakit ang tagal ng order ko? Ilan ba ang cook ninyo dito?
Waiter: Ay, sir. Wala pu kame cuk dito... Pipse lang! Pipse!
Nagtataka Ka Ba Bakit Gusto...
Nagtataka ka ba?
Bakit gusto kita?
Kasi ikaw 'yan eh, wala ng iba pa. Subukan mong tumayo sa lugar ko ng malaman mo kung gaano kasarap maging kaibigan ang tulad mo.
Awww :)
labels: friendship, romantic, tagalog
Caring Is A Wonderful Gift That No...
Caring is a wonderful gift that no one can buy. It is made up of love that roots in our hearts to make fruits of memory not just for a while but for a lifetime.
Sweet day! c",)
labels: friendship, love, romantic
Sometimes You Need To Let Your...
Sometimes you need to let your feelings flow for someone else to burn the crazy feelings that you felt for your stupid past.
labels: love
There May Be Those On Earth Who...
There may be those on earth who dress better, eat better, live better but those who enjoy the peace of God sleep better and wake up happier!
God bless you! ;)
labels: religious
I Heard It Is Possible To Grow Up...
I heart it's possible to grow up. I've just never met anyone who has done it. We're all like children. We cry in our rooms when the pain gets too tough. We throw tantrums when things don't go our way. We yearn for innocence when life throws us reality.
And, like children, we hope, and just never stop hoping. :)
labels: inspirational
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Understanding Versus Stupidity
Understanding VS. Stupidity
When she says NO, I say OK
I never ask WHY when she says SORRY
More than saying OK, I say I UNDERSTAND
She tells me I LOVE YOU, I don't reply I love you too but THANKS FOR LOVING ME TOO
But one day she admitted I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE
Guess what I said, "Go on, be happy. I'll let you go, for if that's the thing to make my love smile, I'd rather choose to get hurt that see the sad face I see when you're mine."
labels: denial
God Said Write Your Plans In...
God said: "Write your plans in pencil, but give me the eraser. I might have something better for you."
Awww, that's so nice, right? Happy day! ;)
labels: religious
Remember That The Best Helping...
Remember that the best helping hand you will ever find is at the end of your own arm. When we do what we can, God will do what we can't.
labels: religious
When We Bring Sunshine Into The...
When we bring sunshine into the lives of others, we are armed by it ourselves. When we spill a li'l happiness, it splashes on us!
Have a great day! c",)
labels: happy
A Person May Fall Everyday...
A person may fall everyday, but he always gets up and says, "Lord, thank you because..."
~ J. Philip.
labels: religious
A Friend Is One of The Nicest...
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, one of the best things you can be. A living treasure; a precious gift, and that's what you are to me.
Awww ^_^
labels: friendship
I Used to Miss You A...
I used to miss you a lot, but it seems like you never missed me at all; and, so I stopped missing you.
labels: denial, heartbreaking
Life Is An Undying...
Life is an undying cycle. It is a battle of survival. If you quit, then you're a loser. If you fall, then stand up. If you keep on complaining about the miseries of your life, nothing will happen. God does not throw stones that we cannot catch. Live with Him and everything will turn out good. ,")
labels: life
Falling In Love with A Long...
Falling in love with a long time friend is the sweetest suicide. :(
labels: friendship, heartbreaking, love
What Will You Do When Faced...
What will you do when faced with two choices? Simple: Toss a coin. This works not because it settles the question for you, but because in that brief moment that the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you're hoping for.
labels: inspirational
Organizer, Emcee, & Mayor
Organizer: Paki acknowledge naman si Mayor, late na kasi dumating. Ayun, kadaraan lang.
Emcee: I would like to acknowledge the arrival of the late Mayor who just passed away!
Nyahahaha (n_n)
Anak, Dad, & LOL
Tinext ni Anak si Dad ng LOL. Tinawagan ni Dad si Anak.
Dad: Ano itong tinext mo?
Anak: Dad, lol means laughing out loud! Ang bobo mo naman, dad! Duh?! Everybody knows that kaya! You're so uber tanga! Tang'na ka talaga, Dad, pakyu!
Dad: Ah, okay, haha! Akala ko minumura mo na ako eh. 'Ge, 'nak! Labsyu!
Hehehe ;)
Kung Pinagsasalitaan Ka Ng Mga...
Kung pinagsasalitaan ka ng mga masasakit na salita ng friend mo, huwag ka po magalit. Sabi nga ni Donkey kay Shrek: Only true friends will be CRUELLY honest!
Make sense, right? ^_^
labels: friendship, tagalog
A Turtle Once Taught Me That...
A turtle once taught me that no matter how heavy his bearings are, it's his choice to carry the luggage for it's the only way he feels protected.
labels: inspirational