When God is in your heart, it is the most fulfilling life you can live. Walk in His ways and you will truly appreciate the day He gives you.
Good day and God bless y'all! :)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
When God Is In Your...
Make A Difference...
Make a difference!
- Talk less, listen more
- Get enough rest
- Refuse to hold grudges
- Be on time
- Remember special occassions
- Send handwritten letters
- Learn people's names
- Practice humility
- Tell the truth
- Appreciate small gestures
- Weigh your motives
- Pray hard
labels: inspirational
Don't Take Life Seriously...
Don't take life seriously. Always find time to laugh.
Remember that laughter will not only add years to your life but add life to your years.
Smile c",
labels: life
Little Prayers for Little Things Fly...
Little prayers
for little things
fly heavenwards
on little wings,
and for all prayers
great or small,
God is there to read them all.
labels: religious
Good Things You've Done Will...
Good things you've done will never be lost and your kind act takes root and every bit of love you show will come right back to you for God knows you have a good heart.
God bless! :)
labels: inspirational, religious
It Is Madness To Hate All Roses Because...
It is madness to hate all roses because you got scratched with one thorn, to give up on your dreams because one did not come true, to lose faith in prayers because one was not answered, to give up on your efforts because one of them failed, to condemn all your friends because one betrayed you, to not to believe in love because someone was unfaithful or did not love you back, to throw away all your chances to be happy because you did not succeed on the first attempt.
I hope that as you go on your way you don't give into madness.
Remembering always another chance may come up--another friend, a new love, a renewed strength. Look for happiness in every day. The sure way for failure is to give up. It is often through failure that future success come.
Keep on trying! ;)
Be Grateful for The Journey of...
Be grateful for the journey of life, with all its twists and turns, detours and diversions. We often learn much from the rocky road than from the smooth path.
labels: life
Mornings Are Wonderful Blessings...
Mornings are wonderful blessings. Either stormy or shiny, they stand for hope and give us another start of what we call "life".
Take care! ,")
labels: life
The Happiest People Are Not...
The happiest people are not those who have no problems but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect.
labels: happy, inspirational
Live Life One Day At A...
Live life one day at a time; share it with people who matter most to you. For life is a little jar of memories and experiences so fill it with love and happiness.
Merry morning! ;)
labels: life
Life Is A Song We Play...
Life is a song we play each day. Every mistake we make in life puts the song out of tune, but keep on trying.
One day, every melody will come to its tune.
Good day! =)
labels: life
The Sweetest Day Comes Not...
The sweetest day comes not only with the greeting we make each day but with the thought that somebody wishes the best for us every moment of the day.
And today, I wish you the very best! ;o)
labels: romantic
No Matter How Screwed Up Your...
No matter how screwed up your life may be, do not wait for someone to fix it up for you.
Fix your life first then, maybe, that someone special will come to make it even better.
Awww :)
labels: inspirational, love
Happiness Adds And Multiplies As...
Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others. May your happiness overflow so that it will touch the lives of many people.
God bless and good day to you! :)
labels: happy
Even In The Most Fulfilled Lives...
Even in the most fulfilled lives, there's still an emptiness that only God can fill.
Let Him guide your steps and bless your way today, and everyday! ^_^
labels: religious
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Oh Beauty Ever Ancient, Ever...
Oh beauty ever ancient, ever new, how late have I known You. And, my heart is restless until it rests in You.
~ Saint Augustine
What Do You Call A Naked, Sexy...
What do you call a naked, sexy, beautiful woman on the arms of an ugly man?
Tattoo! Tattoo lang yan, mga chong!
Hahaha ;-D
Do Not Place Your Mistakes On...
Do not place your mistakes on your head for it can weigh you down and crush you.
Instead, place them under your feet and use them as a platform to view your horizon. ;)
labels: inspirational
Life Is Like Posing For...
Life is like posing for pictures. We pose the way we want to be seen by others. However, stolen shots are better for they capture who we really are.
Nighty! :o)
labels: life
God Knows Our Needs But...
God knows our needs but we should still ask Him. We should remember that praying is something we do in our time but the answer comes in God's time.
God bless! (^_^)v
labels: religious
It's Amazing How You Continue...
It's amazing how you continue to love someone you cannot have.
Maybe because trying to stay away would hurt, so you might as well take the risk because either way, you'd get hurt anyway.
labels: love
It's Hard To Wait Around For...
It's hard to wait around for something you know will never happen.
But, it's hard to stop when you know it is everything you've always wanted. :(
labels: heartbreaking
The Real Art of Conversation Is...
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right things at the right time, but also to leave the wrong things unsaid at the most tempting moment. :)
labels: inspirational
Life Holds No Promises To What...
Life holds no promises to what will come our way. It makes no guarantee as to what we will have. It just gives us time to make choices and to take chances. But, there is only one thing constant: the unconditional love of God for us no matter who or what we are.
Feel God's love today and always! ",)
The Human Race Has Only...
The human race has only one really effective weapon--laughter!
~ Mark Twain
Have a li'l fun everyday! ;)
labels: happy
The Only Things That Life Denies...
The only things that life denies you are the things that you let pass by. Fight for the things you love and love the things that are worth fighting for.
Good day! (^_~)
labels: life
Everything That Happens Once May...
Everything that happens once may never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen the third time.
labels: inspirational
There's No Point In Sacrificing Your...
There's no point in sacrificing your happiness when it does not conform to what your heart dictates. As everyone is created uniquely, everyone does get a right to choose where they'd be happy.
If it ensures lifetime happiness, then go for it. You wouldn't want a miserable life faking the world with smiles.
labels: heartbreaking, inspirational
10% Of Conflicts Are Due To...
10% of conflicts are due to differences in opinion. 90% is due to the wrong tone of voice.
Simple, but it makes sense. ;)
labels: life
Sometimes, No Matter How Long Or...
Sometimes, no matter how long or hard you treasure someone, they'll never treasure you back the way you do.
And, sometimes too, you have to be okay with that.
labels: denial
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sabi Nila Ang Disneyland Daw Ang...
Sabi nila ang Disneyland daw ang pinaka-happiest place on the balat of Earth.
Hay naku, try ninyo sa piling ko baka magbago ang pananaw mo sa Disneyland na 'yan. ;P<
God Gives Gifts of Love...
God gives gifts of love through people like you.
May all your days be as special as the memories you create in the hearts of those you touch and cared for.
Happy araw! :-)
Boy 1 & Boy 2 Being Note-y...
Boy 1: Pare, musikero ka ba?
Boy 2: Bakit?
Boy 1: Pinapataas mo kasi yung nota ko eh.
Bwahahaha =D Naughty day to all!
When Times Are Difficult...
When times are difficult, remind yourself that:
No pain comes to you without a purpose.
labels: inspirational
Law of Unattachment Says...
The Law of Unattachment says, "Don't cling to anything that needs to go. Everything in this world is not permanent. You just have to love it whilst you have it."
labels: heartbreaking, love, sad
Some Say It's Better To Be...
Some say it's better to be single because you are free and that no one will make you cry, you can flirt with anybody. But, don't they realize the feeling of having someone to make you freeier but stops you when you're out of control, would make you cry but then wipes away the tears, and make you smile; and, would flirt with you, and you know that it's only you.
labels: inspirational, naughty
Even If You Do Things The...
Even if you do things the right way, some would still be unsatisfied. Some will not appreciate what you say and what you do, and there would always be people who would let you down, too.
But, for as long as you speak honestly from the heart, you'll be fine.
This is not a perfect world.
This is not a perfect life.
Life is almost always unfair, but life loves the person who dares to live it.
labels: inspirational, life
When A Person Loves You...
When a person loves you, you should be thankful and in return show you love and care. Know why? Because there are a lot of people willing to love him or her even more but then s/he still chose to love you.
labels: inspirational, love
A Miner Struck Gold And Carries His...
A miner struck gold and carries his bag of nuggets everywhere he went. When he died, an angel from heaven asked him why he was carrying asphalt. "This is not asphalt, it's gold," replied the miner. The angel said, "On earth, it's called gold, but here in heaven we use it to pave our streets." - Rev. 21:21
What we value the most here on earth may not be worth a cent in heaven. Let's remember to prioritize the right things in life. Good day and God bless you! ;)
labels: inspirational, religious
Never Get Discouraged When...
Never get discouraged when things do not measure to your expectation. Always remember that the greatest glory in life is not winning, but rising every time we fall.
labels: inspirational
How Can I Forget, Lord...
How can I forget, Lord, that we are in this together. I'll do what I can, Yours will be the rest.
Miracles! ;)
labels: religious
Nasabi Mo Na Ba Sa Sarili...
Nasabi mo na ba sa sarili mo na sana hindi mo na siya nakilala? Na sana hindi ka umasa? Na sana hindi ka nasaktan? Ako, madaming beses na... pero kapag naaalala ko kung papaano niya ako napasaya, bumabalik ako sa pagiging tanga.
labels: denial, heartbreaking, love, tagalog
Everybody Wants Happiness...
Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?
labels: heartbreaking
I Can't But What A...
I can't, but what a relief to know that God always can.
Magandang araw! ;)
labels: religious
Consider This....
Consider this: You are God's (own) and God is yours!
~ J. E. Escriva.
God's graces to you, friend! =D
labels: religious
Saturday, July 4, 2009
They Say As Long As One Person...
They say as long as one person cares for you, life is not a waste. So, when things go terribly wrong, and you feel like giving up, please remember this--I care! :)
labels: friendship, romantic
Love Has No Limits...
Love has no limits. Love never says, "You've never gone too far. I can't love you now." To love means everything is included. Christlike love leaves no doubt in the mind that you will continue to love steadfastly. It is because when God loves people through you, this is the only kind of love He has.
An uber lovely day to you! ;)
The Beauty Of Life Does Not...
The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you. :)
Someone Asked Me Once...
Someone asked me once, "Would you have still tried even if you knew it would not work?"
I said, "It's like this--a championship game for basketball. Two seconds left on the shot block. My team is down by just a point. I have the ball and I'm open for a jump shot. Should I take the shot or not? If I make it, we win and celebrate. If I don't, we lose and go home crying. I guess I'll still take that shot; and, just in case I miss that shot, I'd still cry. But, it feels a lot less painful knowing that at least I tried."
labels: inspirational
When You Have Found The Reason...
When you have found the reason to walk away, never look back. Just keep on walking, even if destination is unclear. It will take a lot of courage for every step you make, but it will save some pride and honor for yourself. It's better to get lost moving on than being stranded and broken after all.
labels: inspirational, life
I Met Someone Who Made Me Feel So...
I met someone who made me feel so special. I thought his feelings for me was eternal.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, he changed and left my broken, bleeding heart in the open. He is now so different from way back then.
Now, do I miss him? No. I miss the man I thought he was. ;'(
labels: heartbreaking
It's A Whole Lot More Satisfying To...
It's a whole lot more satisfying to reach for the stars, even if you end up landing only on the moon.
~ Kermit the Frog.
labels: inspirational
Wanna See Hell In A...
Wanna see hell in a beautiful way?
Fall in-love.
labels: heartbreaking, love, occasion
May Kapatid Ba Si Super...
Tanong: May kapatid ba si Super Inggo?
Sagot: Meron! Sina Super Unes, Super Artes, Super Iyerkules, Super Uwebes, Super Iyernes at Super Abado!
Hahaha! Happy day sa atin! (^o^)
Time May Be So Fast That...
Time may be so fast that we cannot guess how long this friendship would stay.
But, even if time keeps us apart, even when chances pushes me out and away, remember that I'll never stop to care because despite my absence, between gaps and distances, the promise of you and me being friends remains, lasts, and persists. It may not be under the arms of togetherness and bonding. It is beyond words, beyond spaces, beyond hindrances... Friends until the end.
This is my commitment to you from this day onwards! (^_^)
labels: friendship, occasion
Somewhere Between Heartaches And...
Somewhere between heartaches and waiting comes another chance to be found by someone who can show you that you don't deserve to be just an option but the only choice. *^_^*
Contentment Is Not Always The...
Contentment is not always the fulfillment of what you want. It's the realization of how blessed you are for what you already have. ;)
labels: inspirational
I Actually Love My Friends...
I actually love my friends. I just don't admit it as often as I should. So, before I lose my never, I'm telling you now: ehem, ehem...
Sound check, hehe... LOVE YOU! ;)
labels: friendship, occasion, romantic
You've Got To Accept A...
You've got to accept a little sorrow in life. You'll never really know what happiness is unless you have something to compare it with. ;)
labels: happy, inspirational