TXM8S is my online repository of SMS messages that I receive from my friends from my three mobile phones. (Yes, I do have three subscriber lines. Crazy, right?) Sometimes I do compose messages to send to them hoping to inspire their day, but oftentimes it's them who are more crazy with forwarding inspiring and funny quotes that make my day.
It is, however, unfortunate that I do not have much means to forward messages each and every single day to tons of my friends all over the archipelago. Reasons may range from no credits to busy-busyhan, but I think there are other efficient and effective ways of sharing those SMS that I receive (and send) to other people without breaking the bank or hindering my day-to-day activities. Thus, this blog was born!
You can find that most of my post nowadays are in a weekly basis. Before, I was a "trigger happy" poster like almost every other day there's a new set of messages; now, I reduced the volume and only posts for, like, once a week, every Saturday if you want to be specific with it. And, I intend to keep it that way.
I hope you like what I do because I really, really do (^_^).
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
This blog collates information in the form of SMS or text messages from the mobile phones of the author thus ownership of content is not solely of his own.
Therefore the owner of this blog cannot accept responsibility or liability (expressed or implied, contractual, tortuous or otherwise) for the content of each posted entries.
He does not also control or endorse the content or information found in the posts of this blog even on its online archives.
Nevertheless, he has some rights reserved for being the owner of this blog.
Why not TXM8S.com?
I don't intend to get a domain name for this blog as of the moment. Hari po kasi ako ng kakuriputan. I'm also content with getting freebies. You know what they say--great things in life are libre!
Why make another site that aggregates text messages?
In my defense, I didn't know that there are blogs that also aggregates text messages sent and received by Filipinos. Now that I do know about it, I think the answer to that is because it's a really fun thing for me to do: you share your passion to the world and, somehow, in one way or another, you have helped your readers in brightening up their day. It's like a gift or a happy project even.
Why the cute layout?
I consider this blog of mine as a present and I wanted the design to reflect as if it is one. The extra trimmings here and there are an added bonus. Gifts should be well-thought of when presented, me thinks.
Why do you have advertisements?
Four words, dear: it pays the bills.
My friends, of course! I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making every waking day a happy and thoughtful one. *hugs* I am also a culprit at times, haha. ;)
This template is from the original Minima template hosted by Blogger. I've done a little tweaking here and there so it fits what I like for this blog.
Note: The design is a work in progress. You might see that at times, the sidebar contents might be changed or rearranged or that the typography would be different. Don't worry. It's just an artist at work.
Photoshop and Illustrator for the graphics
Notepad for some CSS and HTML authoring
Blogger for the blog hosting
FeedBurner for the RSS feeds
StatCounter for the tracking scripts
ClockLink for the digital clock